Bachelorthesis: Multi-Label Klassifikation am Beispiel sozialwissenschaftlicher Texte

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In this thesis different machine learning algorithms are evaluated for the task of multi-label classification. The evaluation is done with the binary classifiers naive Bayes and support vector machine (SVM) and the multi-class classifier supervised latent Dirichlet allocation (SLDA). To enable naive Bayes and SVM to do multi-label classification the RAkEL transformation is used and for SLDA a topic model multi-label learner is developed and used.

The Reuters-21578 corpus is used. Since not all texts have labels and not all labels occur in sufficient frequency a selection of texts was used. Two corpora were created and used for classification.

The classification results show that the best results are archived with SVM. Naive Bayes and SLDA give very similar results, but SLDA has a very long runtime.

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