Articles tagged with #MIUA

Convolutional Attention on Images for Locating Macular Edema

in publications :: #MIUA

Status published Summary:

Neural networks have become a standard for classifying images. However, by their very nature, their internal data representation remains opaque. To solve this dilemma, attention mechanisms have recently been introduced. They help to highlight regions in input data that have been used for a network’s classification decision. This article presents two attention architectures for the classification of medical images. Firstly, we are explaining a simple architecture which creates one attention map that is used for all classes. Secondly, we introduce an architecture that creates an attention map for each class. This is done by creating two U-nets - one for attention and one for classification - and then multiplying these two maps together. We show that our architectures well meet the baseline of standard convolutional classifications while at the same time increasing their explainability.

BibTex | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39343-4_33