Articles tagged with #stuff

Vulnerabilities and other stuff

in misc :: #coding, #stuff

I recently read an interresting post about the target="_blank" vulnerability. This vulnerability leaves a user open to a very simple phishing attack and is quite unknown. When a link uses the target="_blank" attribute not accompanied with the rel="noopener" attribute or in the case of Firefox rel="noopener noreferrer" the opening site gives the new site access to the existing window through the window.opener API, allowing a few permissions. Some of these permissions are automatically negated by cross-domain restrictions, but window.location is fair game.

To see this vulnerability in action you can use this link. It'll open the post in a new tab/window and redirect this window to an other page.

The code below shows the necessary code for the window.opener API to redirect the opening site to a new location.

if ( window.opener ) {
    window.opener.location = "" + document.referrer;

Because of that post, I removed all target="_blank" attributes from the links. I had also a few other changes that had pilled up and which I hadn't gotten around to put online. Most are on the back end side. On front end side I changed manly the color of the sidebar.